Block 803, # 02 - 156 King George's Avenue (Near Lavender MRT Station), Singapore 200803

Phone: (65) 6736 3303, 6297 0964

Fax: (65) 6297 8413


Operating Hours

Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00am - 6:00pm


  • Rat Set of 3

  • Rat Set of 3

  • 常言到顺着哥意,违了嫂意,但我们的牛哥牛嫂,却是情投意合,成双成对,是忠实的伴侣。
  • 常言到顺着哥意,违了嫂意,但我们的牛哥牛嫂,却是情投意合,成双成对,是忠实的伴侣。

  • 古有传说金钱鼠在家中出没,就代表着财运来到,此产品之老鼠在土中不断地挖出金钱,说明着财源不断永无休止,还有金鼠手捧元宝,上有金玉满堂及蝙蝠,也代表着“鼠带金至、福在眼前”。

  • 古有传说金钱鼠在家中出没,就代表着财运来到,此产品之老鼠在土中不断地挖出金钱,说明着财源不断永无休止,还有金鼠手捧元宝,上有金玉满堂及蝙蝠,也代表着“鼠带金至、福在眼前”。
  • Ox Wealthy Set



  • Ox Wealthy Set

  • The most traditional blessing ornament for the chinese is the gourd, the ‘Hu Lu’. It represents completeness and having nothing to fear. Hence, the significance of bringing happiness and wealth.

    In this art piece, a big ‘Hu Lu’ forms the center piece of the creation surrounding the ground, are three little monkeys. One carries a small ‘Hu Lu’ and roaming free. Another takes longevity peach around it. The third youngest monkey plays happily on the tree.

    The entire creation portrays happiness, freedom and longevity, wishing you happiness in the family and all wishes come true.

  • The most traditional blessing ornament for the chinese is the gourd, the 'Hu Lu'. It represents completeness and having nothing to fear. Hence, the significance of bringing happiness and wealth. In this art piece, a big 'Hu Lu' forms the center piece of the creation surrounding the ground, are three little monkeys. One carries a small 'Hu Lu' and roaming free. Another takes longevity peach around it. The third youngest monkey plays happily on the tree. The entire creation portrays happiness, freedom and longevity, wishing you happiness in the family and all wishes come true.
  • Sale!
    SinSun Soy Oligosaccharide- Intestinal Tonic
    • Natural functional oligosaccharide that contains stachyose and raffinose, extracted from high quality Non-GMO soya bean by using international advanced technology.
    • Mainly as a food (Prebiotic) for the good bacteria (Probiotics)- Bifidobacteria and Lactic Acid bacteria, which helps to multiply the beneficial bacteria up to 40 times after 7-14 days of consumption.
    • Recommended as a natural and safe food by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Recommended to take 10ml of Soy Oligosaccharide daily by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan to improve health and increase immunity
    • Suitable for all ages (include pregnant, infant, vegetarian, gout, uric acid and diabetic).

    Health Benefits:

    1. Culture
      • Stimulate 40 times rapid growth and increase the survival rate of intestinal good bacteria
    2. Clean
      • Clean up intestinal feces and toxins
      • Reduce toxins circulate in the body and purify blood
    3. Care
      • Repair and nourish of damaged lining wall of stomach and intestines
      • Activation of intestinal function to improve constipation, diarrhea, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
      • Help in better digestion and absorption of nutrients
    4. Against
      • Break down drugs and chemicals substances
      • Against toxic carcinogens substances
    5. Produce
      • Produce short-chain fatty acids
      • Generate 3000 kinds of enzymes and vitamins B groups
    6. Recuperate
      • Enhance and strengthen body immunity
      • Maintain healthy intestine function and radiant skin
  • Sale!
    新松大豆低聚糖 – 肠道补品
    • 是采用国际领先技术,从优质非转基因大豆中提取的一种功能性低聚糖,主要功效成分是水苏糖和棉籽糖
    • 主要成为益生菌(双歧杆菌和乳酸菌)的食物和营养(也称为益生源), 7-14天内有助于增生有益菌高达40倍
    • 由美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)认可为纯天然和安全的食品
    • 日本厚生省肠道研究所呼吁国民每天服用10毫升大豆低聚糖以改善健康和提高免疫力
    • 适合所有年龄层(包括孕妇,婴幼儿,素食者,痛风,尿酸和糖尿病)
      • 迅速增殖肠道好菌40 倍和提高好菌存活率
      • 清理肠内宿便和毒素
      • 减少毒素在身体循环和净化血液
      • 修复和滋养受损胃肠道内膜
      • 活化肠道功能,改善便秘,腹泻,肠易激综合征(IBS)
      • 帮助更好地消化和全面吸收营养物质
      • 分解药物和化学物质
      • 对抗有毒致癌物质
      • 产生短链脂肪酸
      • 产生3000 种酵素和大量维生素B 群
      • 提高和增强身体免疫力
      • 维持健康肠道的功能和容光焕发的肌肤