Block 803, # 02 - 156 King George's Avenue (Near Lavender MRT Station), Singapore 200803

Phone: (65) 6736 3303, 6297 0964

Fax: (65) 6297 8413


Operating Hours

Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00am - 6:00pm


  • 新松大豆低聚糖 – 肠道补品
    • 是采用国际领先技术,从优质非转基因大豆中提取的一种功能性低聚糖,主要功效成分是水苏糖和棉籽糖
    • 主要成为益生菌(双歧杆菌和乳酸菌)的食物和营养(也称为益生源), 7-14天内有助于增生有益菌高达40倍
    • 由美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)认可为纯天然和安全的食品
    • 日本厚生省肠道研究所呼吁国民每天服用10毫升大豆低聚糖以改善健康和提高免疫力
    • 适合所有年龄层(包括孕妇,婴幼儿,素食者,痛风,尿酸和糖尿病)
      • 迅速增殖肠道好菌40 倍和提高好菌存活率
      • 清理肠内宿便和毒素
      • 减少毒素在身体循环和净化血液
      • 修复和滋养受损胃肠道内膜
      • 活化肠道功能,改善便秘,腹泻,肠易激综合征(IBS)
      • 帮助更好地消化和全面吸收营养物质
      • 分解药物和化学物质
      • 对抗有毒致癌物质
      • 产生短链脂肪酸
      • 产生3000 种酵素和大量维生素B 群
      • 提高和增强身体免疫力
      • 维持健康肠道的功能和容光焕发的肌肤
  • The carrot (cai tou) is believed to be a symbol of good luck and here this rabbit depicts the triumph of accomplishment in his obtainment of the carrot. Each figurine is cast in 999 gold and comes complete with a wooden stand.
  • The carrot (cai tou) is believed to be a symbol of good luck and here this rabbit depicts the triumph of accomplishment in his obtainment of the carrot. Each figurine is cast in 999 gold and comes complete with a wooden stand.

  • Achiever Crane


    Crane is well associated with longevity, peace and happiness. It is popular in Chinese and Japanese culture to give gifts bearing the form of a crane, to wish the recipient well. The crane featured here is standing tall and fluttering its wings, signifying leadership quality and its readiness to soar to new height. A good gift for a well deserving business partner.

  • Achiever Crane

    Crane is well associated with longevity, peace and happiness. It is popular in Chinese and Japanese culture to give gifts bearing the form of a crane, to wish the recipient well. The crane featured here is standing tall and fluttering its wings, signifying leadership quality and its readiness to soar to new height. A good gift for a well deserving business partner.
  • Agile Eagle


    This piece captures the swiftness and agility of the magnificent eagle in 24k gold plating. It inspires a person to be like the eagle, courageous, precise and swift in his career so as to soar like the eagle.

  • Agile Eagle

    This piece captures the swiftness and agility of the magnificent eagle in 24k gold plating. It inspires a person to be like the eagle, courageous, precise and swift in his career so as to soar like the eagle.
  • Agile Monkey


    The monkey is known for its agility. The ability to get out of tangled mass of tree branches signifies its ability to get out of difficulties with ease and intelligence.

  • Agile Monkey

    The monkey is known for its agility. The ability to get out of tangled mass of tree branches signifies its ability to get out of difficulties with ease and intelligence.
  • Amazing Wealthy

  • Sale!

    Beer Mug – Golf

    $179.00 $119.00
  • Sale!

    Beer Mug with Florce

    $189.00 $132.00
  • Sale!

    Beer Mug with Florce

    $189.00 $129.00
  • Bounty Dragon

  • Bounty Dragon

  • Bounty Rooster

  • Bounty Rooster

  • Bull Dog

  • Bull Dog

  • Bull Dog

  • Bull Dog

  • Bullish Perseverance: It is a known fact of the bull’s diligence and steadfastness. Captured here is a charging bull, signifying the perseverance to realize one’s full potential. It also has an auspicious implication of a bullish market.

  • Bullish Perseverance: It is a known fact of the bull's diligence and steadfastness. Captured here is a charging bull, signifying the perseverance to realize one's full potential. It also has an auspicious implication of a bullish market.
  • CaiShen (God of Wealth): CaiShen is the God of Wealth and often prayed and placed in the companies for wish of good fortunes. This CaiShen stands on a BaGua cloud giving it an additional blessing. It is suitable to be placed in the company or homes as a blessing for both safety and income.
  • CaiShen (God of Wealth): CaiShen is the God of Wealth and often prayed and placed in the companies for wish of good fortunes. This CaiShen stands on a BaGua cloud giving it an additional blessing. It is suitable to be placed in the company or homes as a blessing for both safety and income.

  • Cheerful Rat

    Filler Text for Testing The most traditional blessing ornament for the chinese is the gourd, the 'Hu Lu'. It represents completeness and having nothing to fear. Hence, the significance of bringing happiness and wealth. In this art piece, a big 'Hu Lu' forms the center piece of the creation surrounding the ground, are three little monkeys. One carries a small 'Hu Lu' and roaming free. Another takes longevity peach around it. The third youngest monkey plays happily on the tree.
  • Cheerful Rat


    Filler Text for Testing The most traditional blessing ornament for the chinese is the gourd, the ‘Hu Lu’. It represents completeness and having nothing to fear. Hence, the significance of bringing happiness and wealth.

    In this art piece, a big ‘Hu Lu’ forms the center piece of the creation surrounding the ground, are three little monkeys. One carries a small ‘Hu Lu’ and roaming free. Another takes longevity peach around it. The third youngest monkey plays happily on the tree.

  • Circle of Wealth

    The golden snake signifies 'yin' and is the image of movement, while the golden tortoise signifies 'yang' and has the image of stability. In this creation of the snake and tortoise, it shows the unique balance of the 'yin' and 'yang'. According to I-Ching, the balance of both 'yin' and 'yang' would mean a renewal for all things, a new spring arriving that would lead to good harvest and abundance of wealth. The image of movement and stability also signify the balancing of the current and fixed assets such that it creates a smooth flow of wealth which is auspicious for all businesses. Thus, this creation means an auspicious wish for an everlasting flow of wealth.
  • Circle of Wealth


    The golden snake signifies ‘yin’ and is the image of movement, while the golden tortoise signifies ‘yang’ and has the image of stability. In this creation of the snake and tortoise, it shows the unique balance of the ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. According to I-Ching, the balance of both ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ would mean a renewal for all things, a new spring arriving that would lead to good harvest and abundance of wealth. The image of movement and stability also signify the balancing of the current and fixed assets such that it creates a smooth flow of wealth which is auspicious for all businesses. Thus, this creation means an auspicious wish for an everlasting flow of wealth.